Sunday, January 12, 2025
HomeWrite for us

Write for us

Our team of writers are dedicated to bringing the latest in news, but we are always looking for additional content. If you are passionate about Business, Finance and Politics and would like to write for us we are always looking for people to contribute good content to our site. If you are interested, please submit your content for consideration, using the guidelines below.

Guest Post Requirements when you Write For Us:

Please send all submissions via email to

In order to increase you chances of getting published, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with our site and the content we produce. When you write for us, we ask that your contribution is about one of the subjects featured on our site.

Topics we are accept are:

  • Business
  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Investments
  • Property

Article Guidelines

All submitted content must be unique and not appear anywhere else on the internet.

The article must be approx 500-750 words.

Where possible please provide an image for your post. Only digital images will be accepted; JPEG and GIF formats are preferred. Image file size should be no larger than 100k. Ideal dimensions for the lead image are 450 pixels wide by 300 pixels high. If deemed necessary, images may be subject to resizing and/or cropping. If you do not provide a suitable image we will provide one for you.

Please note we reserve the right to refuse publication of your article or to edit the content of your post as necessary to conform to the guidelines for our site.

If you want to write for us, please send your content to